Can we take some of your HR admin away please?

October 27, 2016 in Employee Recognition, Recognition Hub

Can we take some of your HR admin away please?

Can we take some of your HR admin away please?

Working in HR is for people who love people. It’s you who can attract them, bring them onboard, help the business to nurture them then watch with pride as careers start, change or flourish on your watch.

Do you sometimes find though, the sheer weight of admin can stop you from enjoying these great moments of being present for your people?

Here’s one piece of admin you can get off your plate straight away. If you are manually running a length of service recognition program or any type of recognition program in fact. Stop now, put your spreadsheets away. Let Redii do it for you.

Redii is super simple recognition and reward software that you can have up and running within your lunch break.

You can easily automate these awards:

Happy Birthday

Automatically celebrate their special day with them by giving them some points on their birthday. It’s much better on the company waistline than cake!

Work Anniversary

Loyalty does matter and it’s something to celebrate. Let us help by awarding points every year on the anniversary of the day they started with your organisation.


You can also create awards for safety, innovation, sales achievement, employee of the month, enable peer to peer awards and enable discretionary points accounts for both managers and employees.

If you can dream it, we can probably make it happen. The more creative the awards the better the recognition moment is.

Why not give Redii a go?

Start Now 14 day FREE trial

Team Recognition: How to turn your team into a ‘hot team’?

October 27, 2016 in Employee Recognition, Recognition Hub

Team Recognition: How to turn your team into a ‘hot team’?

Team Recognition: How to turn your team into a ‘hot team’?

Do you want to be the team in the business that every employee wants to join and every leader wished they led?

Creating a ‘hot’ high performing team is easier than you think if you focus on encouraging and recognising the right behaviours.

Using Redii’s super simple recognition software, you can set-up a program for your team that recognises them for the four key pillars that make ‘hot’ teams stand out from the rest. Trust, empathy, synergistic ideation and collaboration.

Here’s how you bring it to life with 4 fun Redii awards:

“I’ve got your back”

Trust is everything in a team. Allow your team members to recognise each other for times when they’ve jumped in to support or cover each other for the benefit of the whole

“You’re Grate”

Build empathy within your team by encouraging peers to recognise each other personally for their successes or solving problems using their unique set of strengths.


“Winning Idea”

You can nominate individuals or multiple colleagues for great innovative ideas that will kick your team performance into overdrive.

“We’ve got chemistry”

For seamless work, perfect execution, zero errors and kudos from the rest of the business. Award your team for great demonstrations of collaboration.

Redii gives you the option of having a recognition only program or a recognition and reward one. If rewards are on your radar, you can allocate points to each award and the user can go and spend them happily at the Redii shop.


Remember that with Redii, creativity has no limits! You can create and adapt any award to any positive behaviour, what gets recognised gets repeated. So if you want more of the same, or your want your team to shine in no time, start now having fun with the fantastic awards your can create with Redii. The results are going to be amazing.

Did you know, that setting a recognition and reward program using Redii, only takes 10 min? Give it a go!

Creating an extraordinary work culture

October 27, 2016 in Employee Recognition, Recognition Hub

Creating an extraordinary work culture

create an extraordinary work culture

If you were asked ‘What does a great work culture look like?’ how would you reply?

Would your mind would wander over to Google and its ping pong tables and in-house chefs? Or would it go deeper than the ‘perks’ and consider that a great culture starts with one thing. Great people.

We’ve spent years researching great work cultures and reviewed hundreds of companies who proudly display their ‘Culture’ pages. They are able to hire the best talent. Why? Because prospective employees are able to self-qualify whether they will ‘fit’ and whether they will ‘thrive’ working for them.

So, what do these businesses have in common?

1. They believe people come first – above anything else

This belief comes from the top down. ‘People first’ businesses believe that skills can be taught. But attitude, commitment, and values cannot, they are inherent. Hiring the right people matters.

Be careful whom you hire, treat them right, and train them to treat other people right.

2. They believe IN something – have a purpose and values

They know WHY they are IN business? They have a set of values that drives them. Great people don’t join organisations whose sole goal is to make money for owners and shareholders. They need a bigger WHY.

Atlassian want to ‘Unleash the power in every team’ and they do this through their values. ‘They guide what we do, why we create, and who we hire’.

3. They celebrate successes

They empower their people to notice and celebrate their achievements. Good people crave recognition, they want to know the work they are doing is making a difference. It drives their intent to stay.

We have a culture where success is celebrated, no matter how big or small. Diageo

Great cultures like this are often big users of Peer to Peer recognition. This type of recognition drives strong connected cultures as it puts the power to recognise in the hands of the people.

As an example the award below “#AMAZING” features in the recognition and reward program from one of our cool clients. Everytime a team member makes the company say WOW! – the little Chewbacca gets sent to the team member and the likes and comments on the recognition wall get crazy! – in a fun way of course!


Great cultures are engaged.

Organisations where recognition occurs have 24% better employee engagement, productivity and customer service than those without. Understand how the power of employee engagement can help drive your business success.

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