Employee Engagement Software

November 7, 2016 in Employee Recognition, Recognition Hub

Employee Engagement Software

employee engagement software

Since gaining popularity from when it first emerged in 1999, ‘Employee Engagement’ has become the new holy grail for corporate success – the term reflecting the commitment that employers are now prepared to make to keep their best employees. To achieve employee engagement, the level of commitment from the employer and employee has to be equal. It is shaped by a number of factors including the role itself, the quality of work relationships and perceptions of the ethos and values of the organisation. It comes back to the one word – ‘purpose’.

How much does having Disengaged Employees cost businesses?

Disengaged employees are more likely to leave and take less pride in their workplace. They are also less likely to be advocates of their workplace or the products and services they represent. This obviously comes at a significant cost to Australian businesses. In fact the Gallup Organisation estimates that actively disengaged employees cost Australian businesses between AUS $33.5-$42.1 billion per annum and New Zealand businesses around NZ $5.6-$5.96b billion per annum. The Gallup Organisation (Q12 Poll Nov 2008), www.gallup.com

What are the ‘key drivers’ of employee engagement?

There are four contributors to employee engagement. All need to work in harmony to create a powerful relationship with employees.

1. Career aspirations – personally rewarding or major achievement
2. Career opportunities – sees future opportunity, growth and advancement
3. Recognition – perceptions of favourable acknowledgement from others for their work/accomplishments
4. Brand – consistency between the promise an organisation makes to its employees about working at that organisation and the work experience

What are the main requirements for employee engagement?

According to the Hays Group, there are four requirements for engagement:

1. Confidence in the organisation’s leaders
2. Collaboration and collegiality (positivity)
3. Development opportunities
4. Clear and promising sense of purpose

How can employee engagement impact the bottom line?

Companies that raise employee satisfaction by 20% will increase their financial performance by more than 42%. A detailed study of 40 global companies found that firms with the highest percentage of engaged employees collectively increased operating income 19% and earnings per share 28% year-to-year. Those companies with the lowest percentage of engaged employees showed year-to-year declines of 33% in operating income and 11% in earnings per share.

Are Employee Engagement Tools really effective?

Yes! Employee Engagement tools such as Redii allows you to create and personalise any award in line with your business objectives. From peer to peer to top performer recognition, simple thank you’s to safety awards and automated anniversary awards to sales incentives.

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Happiness at work

November 1, 2016 in Employee Recognition, Recognition Hub

Happine$$ at work and why it matters.

happiness at work

We know how difficult is to manage people and keep them happy and engaged. That’s why we created Redii. We want to help you achieve the most difficult part of running a business and that is to MAKE YOUR PEOPLE HAPPY.

It is true; happy staff will create an environment for happy customers and ultimately that means great profits. So what makes for happy staff and how do you keep them happy? We get asked questions on this subject more than any other, and so we wanted to share the answers with you.

Do happy employees mean increased profits?

Let’s have a look to what Richard Branson – probably one of the top 3 global entrepreneurs – has to say about this… “The companies that look after their people are the companies that do really well. I’m sure we’d like a few other attributes, but that would be the most important one.”

Stock prices of companies with high morale outperformed similar companies in the same industries by more than two to one in 2015. The research found that companies with low morale lagged behind their industry competitors by almost five to one. The global study focused on 28 publicly traded companies with a total of more than 920,000 employees.

Stock prices of these companies were compared to the industry average for more than 6,000 other companies in the same industries. It found that high-morale companies provide the three main things that matter most to employees: fair treatment; a sense of achievement in their work and pride in their employer; and good, productive relationships with other employees.

Can workplaces influence employee happiness?

Combining the survey of 20,000 employees with the analysis of HR practices and CEO interviews has resulted in the development of the Anatomy of a Great Workplace© model. Great workplaces come in all shapes and sizes, however they share four characteristics:

  • They are values-based organisations with a very clear vision of the future
  • They have created a sense of community, where people feel a strong sense of belonging and optimism in the future
  • They have development strategies to help realise their full potential
  • They have created a performance culture where high standards of performance are set, and demanded

What’s the impact of unhappy people?

Australians take on average 8.62 days of sick leave/personal leave each year, costing the economy about $26.6 billion per annum in lost productivity ($3,017 per employee). The survey also found that more than 63 per cent of employers indicated that absence through increased stress levels is increasing, and the main reason for this is workload and organisational change. Therefore, recognition and reward software solutions such as Redii, help organisations to transform cultures and create extraordinary work places, simply by loving your people.

Where do you start with happiness?

According to Naomi Simson, one of Australia’s most successful entrepreneurs, “employers want ‘A Graders’ working in our business. We want people who are focused and are prepared to give their discretionary effort. No matter the economic climate, there is a finite number of great people and we want them working harmoniously and productively for us.”

Recognition is an easy place to start, by recognising the IMPACT these great people are having, they stay connected, productive and motivated to repeat that behaviour over and over again. Naomi adds.

At Redii we believe that best practice recognition should happen on every single work place, we are passionate about creating extraordinary work cultures. Try Redii for free, give it a go. Try Employee Recognition, because it works. Ask Richard Branson!

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How do you become a Best Employer?

October 27, 2016 in Employee Recognition, Recognition Hub

How do you become a Best Employer?

How do you become a Best Employer?

Every year the ‘Best Employer’ lists get published. These are the companies where the best talent wants to go and work. They’ve got great cultures, perks, generous leave schemes and other benefits that you haven’t even contemplated.

It can seem daunting but becoming a Best Employer is a journey and one you can kick start pretty easily by taking one small step at a time.internally by starting with recognition.

Recognition is one of the quickest ways to influence your employee engagement score. In fact, statistics show 41% of the variance in engagement can be attributable to the amount of recognition the individual receives. These days best practice recognition programs are driven by

These days best practice recognition programs are driven by peer-led recognition. It’s super easy to kickstart a peer-led recognition culture. Just introduce these two awards into a Redii recognition program.

Everyday WIN

Let your people nominate each other for the day to day wins and build a culture of everyday recognition. This is about recognising people for the journey and bringing examples of your company values to life.

Extraordinary WIN

Having an ‘extraordinary win’ award allows your people to start seeing what looks good at what looks great around here. Extraordinary work is about clearly defining the impact or outcome of the individual’s achievements.


And best of all, you get full visibility of all the moments of recognition as they happen on the recognition wall. This is a tangible representation of your culture that will help you remain connected to your people as your business grows and changes.

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