The Power Of Employee Engagement

November 10, 2016 in Employee Recognition, Work Culture

The Power of Employee Engagement

the power of Employee Engagement

How will this e book help you?

Employee engagement is a property of the relationship between an organization and its employees. An “engaged employee” is defined as one who is fully absorbed by and enthusiastic about their work and so takes positive action to further the organization’s reputation and interests.

An organization with “high” employee engagement might therefore be expected to outperform those with “low” employee engagement, all else being equal.

According to Wikipedia, Employee engagement first appeared as a concept in management theory in the 1990s,[1] becoming widespread in management practice in the 2000s, but it remains contested. It stands in an unspecified relationship to earlier constructs such as morale and job satisfaction. Despite academic critiques, employee-engagement practices are well established in the management of human resources and of internal communications.

Arm yourself with the resources you need to understand:

  • Engaged Employees Vs. Disengaged Employees
  • Impact of Engagement in Bottom Line
  • Key Drivers of Employee Engagement
  • Bad Managers and Disengagement
  • Employee Engagement and profitability
  • Key Elements to become employer of choice

the power of employee engagement ebook

Launching your employee recognition and reward program

November 9, 2016 in Recognition Program Best Practice

Launching your employee recognition and reward program

Launching your employee recognition and reward program

You’ve got sign-off and support for your awesome recognition program structure… now what? How do you get everyone else excited about what you’ve been planning for weeks, maybe even months? Here are some of the tried and tested ideas that our clients use to build momentum, excitement and awareness about their employee reward and recognition program, and ensure participation and success!

1. It’s all in the name!

Run a program naming competition or workshop, and get employees to come up with a name that resonates and reflects the character of your organisation. You can use self-nomination awards in Redii as a submission tool (and the name that’s selected receives X number of points), or do what Challenger did, and get groups to workshop ideas and vote in their favourite names.

This lets momentum build from the grassroots up, which means there’s a higher chance of getting buy in across different pockets of your organisation, rather than just having directives issued from the top-down.

2. Get visual!

Run a competition to encourage your team members to design a logo or banner that appears in your program. Imagine the sheer delight of logging in to Redii for the first time and seeing your logo design brought to life!

You can also use this opportunity to print posters, manager and employee guides, wallet cards, or recognition toolkits that complement your online program and serve as a visual reminder of your company values, and the importance of seeing them in action, all around your workplace.

3. Communicate, communicate, communicate!

Don’t be afraid to let people know what is going on, what you’re developing and how it’s going to make their work life awesome! Get the recognition program on your Team Leaders’ meeting agenda, and make sure you tell them what they need to do, and that they factor it into a regular feedback rhythm so checking in with their team and reporting back to you what the participation and feeling is in their own teams.

4. Launch Event

Make sure the program is announced in an exciting way – whether it be at a Monthly Company Meeting or at a special recognition afternoon tea. The CEO or MD should announce it to show how seriously the business is taking this new initiative.

5. Build that wish list!

Redii has an online wish list so individuals can mark the rewards they really want to redeem their points for – whether that’s a Visa gift card to splurge on, a romantic dinner for two, indulgent spa treatment or new TV. But you don’t have to keep these private! Encourage people to write up their Wishlists in their cubicle, next to their desk so that everyone can see what the other is playing for, and can help each other get their by recognising them with points when good work is done!

6. Share stories of success in the lead up

Invite employees to submit stories of moments they’ve been recognised in the past and publish them online or on a notice board in a visual area. Ask them to write about the specific task they accomplished and why being recognised by their team lead, project manager or colleague made such a difference to their morale.

7. Train your people to be recognition ambassadors

One aspect of successful cultural change that many businesses overlook is the importance of getting the support and energy from what John Kotter calls ‘the coalition of the willing’.

Finding willing individuals who will are onside and support what you are trying to achieve is critical. To help you achieve this, train at least one volunteer from each department in your business on how to use your recognition software.

Make sure they all have a go at using your recognition platform to recognise their peers in different ways. Your program should give them chances to send thank you notes, reward each other with points, and nominate each other for awards (if it doesn’t, make sure you check out Redii, because Redii does all those things!). Call us on 1300 356 856 if you would like to book in a demo!

How did all of these Smart 50 winners make it to the top 50?

November 9, 2016 in Employee Recognition, Recognition Hub

How did all of these Smart 50 winners make it to the top 50?

Smart50 Winners

We recently launched the e-Book “The Power Of Employee Engagement” on – as you might be aware Redii is simple employee recognition and reward software that helps SME’s to unite and engage their employees through praise and best practice recognition.

Last week released the Smart50 2016 Australia’s fastest growing SME’s list in the categories of retail, exporting, franchising and digital innovation. To be recognised on this list means these businesses are all doing an incredible job of attracting and keeping their customers.

Whilst we don’t know the secret sauce behind the growth of every business that has been recognised on this list, we do know one thing. This level of growth can only be sustained by having a highly engaged team who are all united behind their businesses goals and values.

At we have helped many business owners, entrepreneurs and leaders to emotionally align the hearts and minds of their employees to their business goals. We understand the journey, we’ve been there. Iconic business books, like Jim Collins ‘Good to Great’ talk about the importance of having the right people on the bus before you decide where it’s going. Entrepreneur Naomi Simson, likens it more to a rowing crew “in a rowing crew you don’t have a driver telling you where to go while everyone else looks out the window, when rowing every person has to be absolutely in flow for the boat to move.”

In current employee engagement trends. Roughly speaking, out of 100% employees of small to medium companies, 25% are engaged, 25% are actively disengaged and the other 50% are just doing enough to keep out of trouble.

So is your boat moving forward, backwards or going round in circles? Who knows!

Creating an extraordinary work culture where employees are recognised and engaged directly influences the care they deliver to your customers. So if you want growth like the businesses on this list. Start by looking at your people.

For more information about how Redii can help you to achieve a highly engaged workforce book a demo with one of our success managers here or start a program right now!