Employee recognition decreases turnover rates

August 7, 2017 in Employee Engagement, Team Work

Employee recognition decreases turnover rates

We love to share the success of our users from using the Redii Recognition Program. Our Client Connect Hearing are finalists for best recognition and reward program in the HR AWARDS 2017.

This is pretty amazing, for them and for Redii! Connect Hearing’s “YOU ROCK” program has 93% of their employees sending recognition to peers and colleagues. That’s a lot of hard work being recognised daily in the office.

The best outcome for Connect Hearing, however, is since the start of 2015 to 2017 turnover decreased by 12.6%. It shows that a little recognition goes a long way. long enough to impact the bottom line of your business.

employee recognition reduces turnover rates

Redii is a fantastic employee recognition and reward software that is changing the employee recognition game all around the world… Book a FREE DEMO. What gets recognised gets repeated!


Transparency in Business

July 26, 2017 in Employee Engagement, Employee Recognition, Team Work

Transparency in Business

Transparency in Business

What’s really going on here?

Why transparency is critical to building a culture of trust and respect.

Have you ever heard the phrase that ‘information is currency’? What is it that powers gossip mongers, secret peddlers and the disengaged? It’s when information is scarce and creative interpretation is high.

What’s scary for businesses is that misinformation and even disinformation can spread rapidly in organisations already suffering with poor cultures.

When employees deprived of information hear something second hand, it can quickly spread through the grapevine in a way that most businesses have no control over. Until finally one day it pops up and the executive team start to realise what they’re dealing with.

Like any problem, fixing it requires going straight to the source. Why is it happening? What could have prevented it? Transparency could of.

I’ve been recently reading ‘To sell is Human’ by Dan Pink. In it he talks about the balance of power when it comes to information held by both the seller and the buyer. The reason negativity exists around ‘salespeople’ and the concept of being ‘sold to’ is a hangover from the old days of caveat emptor or ‘buyer beware’. When the seller had way more information than the buyer. The buyer had no choice but to trust their word. Unscrupulous sellers made plenty of hay while these years went by. Creating a less than attractive reputation for salespeople.

These days the information economy breaks that disparity down. Almost any product spec sheet can be found online. A culture of reviewing everything is rife. The buyer now has all the power.

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Exactly the same thing happens inside organisations. When it appears that all the information is held by the leadership team and none of it is shared with the employees. It cultivates feelings of unease and distrust.

Harvard Business Review’s 2013 employee engagement survey revealed that 70 percent of those surveyed say they’re most engaged when senior leadership continually updates and communicates company strategy.

Harvard’s study shows the opposite is true. But yet still stories of lack of transparency still prevail.

Going back to early in my career in one company I worked in people had a habit of disappearing on a Friday afternoon and nobody would see and hear anything from them again. Until a couple of months later someone asked “what happened to X?”. The pattern was clear these people were being dismissed from the business in a hope that no questions were asked. But all it did was create a situation where people were fearful of their phone ringing on a Friday afternoon.

In another example a friend recently told me that her company had just stopped paying superannuation contributions. The way it came to light? An employee simply checked their account and wondered why there had been no contributions for months. That started a domino effect of questions, revealing a less than healthy financial situation that no one had any idea about.

As a business owner, admitting when things are less than perfect is really hard.

Back when I was GM in the early days of RedBalloon working alongside Naomi Simson. Delivering bad news was incredibly difficult, especially for Naomi, who’s strengths of ‘winning others over’ and ‘positivity’ automatically made her want to ‘sugar coat’ everything. But we quickly realised that wasn’t going to cut it. In fact this was a critical element on both of our leadership journeys.

True authentic transparency, regular communication and the ability to approach the leaders at any time, endeared our team to the business.

Rather than being fearful of people leaving at the slight hint of negative news. What it in fact created was a culture of solidarity, where people wanted to help and contribute towards getting things back on track.

These days, full financial transparency and clear and regular communication remain at the heart of the RedBalloon culture.

And there are many other businesses who do the same and then some.

Buffer publishes a list of the salaries of every employee inside the business.

Google extends its transparency code to how it deals with ‘backstabbing people issues’. If a complaint is sent from one employee regarding another employee it is fairly common to have that email sent on to the person being complained about. Google’s people team believe that level of transparency forces resolution.

And, whilst you may not be ready to make the full leap into transparency across everything everywhere. You can get started somewhere.

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The A to Z of Thriving Workplaces

July 18, 2017 in Employee Engagement, Employee Recognition, Team Work

Thriving Workplaces

thriving employees

There is plenty of evidence to show that when people thrive – so do businesses. The customer loyalty mirror shows that those businesses with highly engaged teams will also have higher rates of customer loyalty. I know this myself first hand. Simply put as I look around RedBalloon, Wrapped and Redii.com (as well as the others) I know I cannot grow and scale my business without the discretionary effort of each and every person. When each team member thrives, when I have a thriving culture then my business is also thriving…

I’ve put together a Thriving Workplace A to Z guide to help you on the path.

AUTHENTICITY – Be authentic when giving praise people know when you’re faking it
BEHAVIOURS – Rewarding for best behaviours encourages others to repeat them
COMMUNICATE – The best cultures have a program of communication – consistent, thoughtful and informative (and sometimes fun)
DELIVERABLES – Make KPI’s achievable and aligned to your organisation’s purpose
EXPERIENCES – Shared experiences as a team, or as a thankyou gift gets people talking about you and your brand as an employer
FUN – A little bit of fun during the working day delivers you higher productivity
GROW – In order for your business to grow you must invest in your people – education and learning
HAPPINESS – When people are themselves at work, and are safe, know what they are there to do, and feel proud of where they work – then they are likely to be more creative and take more initiative
INCLUSIVITY – One for all and all for one – an inclusive workplace with diversity and different viewpoints helps represent your customer base better.
JOY – Celebrate milestones and bring gratitude into the workplace
KNOWLEDGE – Seek feedback your employee framework – do analyse do – and then do more of it… insights and knowledge are power.
LITTLE – Notice the little things that your people do with on the spot recognition
MANAGERS – Managers nurture individuals for the good of the business – they are coaches, mostly and challenge people to be the best version of themselves
NIMBLE – Every dollar counts so keep investing ideas and energy into your culture to keep it alive
Objectives – A clear set of objectives will help you to define your culture – what does success look like a year from now… do you use a scorecard?
PURPOSE – Cultivate a shared sense of greater purpose around your business goals to drive effort
QUICK – the quicker you are to recognise behaviors, values or accomplishments the greater impact it will have on your culture.
RECOGNISE – Recognize people frequently and consistently – peer to peer is powerful, reporting ensures that everyone is with you on the journey.
STRUCTURE – Create a timeline and rhythm to your thrive program. Share the structure and make sure you stick with it
THEMES – whether you them monthly, quarterly or yearly, what is the one critical success factor for you business this year – then create a theme around it.
UNDERSTAND – Deepen relationships by understanding who your people are and what they love – learn to ask great questions.
VARIETY – No culture is set and forget it needs to be nurtured… keep things fresh.
WISHLIST – Encourage your people to create a wishlist of what a great culture looks like to them
X-TREME – Get people pushing their boundaries celebrate amazing results.
YARN – A thriving business has a folklore that is it will get your people telling ‘yarns’ about your company.
ZOOM – Keep an eye on the detail, look at key metrics like absenteeism, retention and engagement scores to help you check in on if everyone wants to be a part of your thriving culture.

It takes consistent love and attention – but ultimately leadership to create a thriving workplace…

If you want a shortlist of two things.. consider:

VITALITY – is the positive feeling of having energy available, feelings of aliveness.
GROWTH – is the sense that one is acquiring and can apply knowledge and skills.

When you deliver both to your employees you will also have a thriving customer base…

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